This page contains a list of PDF and Word Documents that are required to be printed, signed and turned in to the Higher Education Department by current and perspective students.

Education Application Packet Checklist
This PDF should be printed off and used by the student to aid in compiling all necessary information for their application packet completion. This PDF is the first page of the Application Packet.
Higher Education Funding Policy
W-9 Form
Screenshot Tutorial
Follow this tutorial for instructions on how to screenshot documents from your computer or cell phone.
Finance Taxability Memo
Reimbursement and Refund Policy
Education Guidelines Acknowledgement Form
Statement of Privacy
Study Abroad Template
Voluntary Assignment of Per Capita Form
Procedural Safeguards
Graduation Bonus Application
College & Professional Testing Application
Housing and Meal Policy
Computer Guidelines
Higher Education Program Application
To submit your application for Education Funding, please sign into your Tribal Member portal. Click on the “Services” tab to find our student portal website to apply. If you experience any issues, please email
Also, you must have all items turned in that are included in the following PDF Link. (CHECKLIST FOR NEW STUDENTS)